Rainbow Six: Siege - Concepts
Some of the concepts for Y7S4 & Y8S1 & Y8S2 & Y8S3 Art Direction: Alexander Karpazis x Joanna Tsui x Alberto Rodriguez Benitez / [Doctor's Curse Event - Nokk]; 3d Art: Fran Sanchez, Texture Art: Carlos Anton / [Red Hammer - Goyo]; 3d Art: Ines Martinez, Texture Art: Karin Thibault x Julia Sauleda / [Viperstrike - Hibana]; 3d Art: Eloi Farriol x Alba Molera x Ognjen Panic x Pau Casas, Texture Art: Julia Sauleda / [Greek Coast Life - Valkyrie]; 3d Art: Pau Casas, Texture Art: Patrizio Scherini x Dylan Hilliard / [Musical Punk - Kapkan]; Texture Art: Carlos Anton / [Rengoku Event - Grim]; 3d Art: Fran Sanchez, Texture Art: Victor Lizaldre / Full Credits: ubisoft.com